Welcome to Chas Holloway Lives Here

Hi. I’m Chas Holloway.

I was born in San Diego, grew up in Ocean Beach, surfed, went to college in Hollywood where I studied philosophy & music, hung out with math geeks, famous science fiction writers, astrophysicists and thermodynamicists.

Since then, I’ve done a lot of oddball stuff.  I’ve published a newspaper, worked at a TV station, wrote jingles, played piano in coffeehouses, wrote TV scripts (The Love Boat, Richie Rich, The Twilight Zone), got obsessed with scientific epistemology, became a radio announcer, wrote the Constitution for the Chiricahua Apache Mimbreno Nation, published books, wrote for Weird Al Yancovich, and more.

The best thing I’ve done is create Free World Theory, which is an ongoing project, and you can find out about on this Substack.


I originally created Thinkopolis to promote my book, Free World Theory. If people liked the short content, I thought, they may be motivated to check out the longer, more in-depth stuff here. But Thinkopolis has taken on a life of its own, and is growing exponentially in popularity.

Thinkopolis is a celebration of western civilization. I’m a big fan of the west. I think the art and philosophy and science and tech that emerged from it is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to humanity.

Free World Theory, The Book

If you like Thinkopolis, you’ll love Free World Theory. It’s the science and technology of creating communities and entire societies without the use of centralized coercion.

The first eight chapters of Free World Theory, Book One is available here to read for free. That’s roughly the first half of the book. If you want to read the rest, you’ll have to subscribe. Hey, $6 a month is a bargain to save civilization from collapsing.

More Free World Theory books will be published here eventually.

V-50 and More

This section is an expanding archive of articles, videos, books and entire seminars on how Free World Theory developed.

Here you will find Jay Snelson’s complete The V-50 Lectures, as well and Andrew J. Galambos’ complete Course V-50. Also, Galambos’ V-76, and several courses by Robert LeFevre, including (eventually) his master class, The Fundamentals of Liberty.

If you are interested in the history of FWT, here it is. You can learn how the concepts developed. You can compare epistemological systems. This section contains works by the greatest freedom-thinkers in history. My goal is to make this section the greatest resource in the world for understanding what freedom is, and how to attain it, and how the science of freedom developed.

This section is only available to Paid subscribers.

And Finally…

If you like great ideas, individualism, decentralization, and quality presentations, please subscribe to the Free World Theory Substack now.

Hey, with your help, we might just get rid of politicians, altogether, and put some rationality back into society.

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Charles (Chas) Holloway is an American writer, publisher and public speaker. He is the creator of Free World Theory and is noted for developing fundamental scientific concepts in that field.